Successful Cold Calling- Evening Masterclass- Newcastle

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In one evening, learn from the North East’s lead­ing Cold Call­ing Expert on how to sell more, stay motivated and move ahead of your competition.

In my ‘Cold Call­ing Evening Mas­ter­class you are guaranteed to improve your con­fi­dence and per­for­mance. I will teach you how to mas­ter the art of suc­cess­ful cold call­ing, with prac­ti­cal tech­niques, tips and strate­gies to help you smash your sales.

My Cold Call­ing pro­gramme is designed to inspire you with skills and tech­niques to make more calls and win more busi­ness instantly.

You will learn how to…

  • Elim­i­nate the fear of cold calling
  • Gain con­fi­dence when using the telephone
  • Stand out from your competition
  • Man­age ‘gate­keep­ers’ and ‘screen­ers’ with ease
  • Han­dle objec­tions such as ‘I’m not interested’
  • Mas­ter ques­tions to effort­lessly close the sale
  • Let go of lim­it­ing beliefs and start selling
  • And much, much more…

Book your Cold Call­ing Evening Mas­ter­class place now

Eventbrite - Cold Calling- Evening Masterclass- Newcastle


I have used my prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence to:

  • Train over 250 organisations
  • Recieve an aver­age rat­ing of 9.7 out of 10
  • Inspire over 2000 atten­dees to improve their sales skills

Make sure you don’t miss out on the oppor­tu­nity to spec­tac­u­larly improve your results…..

Early bird cost per del­e­gate is only.… £10 (plus VAT)

Nor­mal Price £25 — Price goes up 14th May!

Incred­i­ble Cus­tomer Reviews:

osp healthcare

I found your work­shop incred­i­bly infor­ma­tive, inter­est­ing and very worth­while. Your enthu­si­as­tic approach and style of teach­ing made the day whizz by and ensured every­thing you taught us really stuck.

The biggest com­pli­ment I can give you is to tell you that fol­low­ing my atten­dance on the course, I have secured meet­ings with five prospec­tive new clients! So thank you very much

Lydia Owen – OSP Heathcare

Very use­ful, made me think and strip down what I usu­ally ask and how I usu­ally deal with clients and their objec­tions. Lots of inter­est­ing tools to take away and implement.

Claire Hughes – Yan­dell Media

Very inter­est­ing and engag­ing course with many prac­ti­cal and use­ful ideas to try out. Increased con­fi­dence in my own meth­ods and restored my faith in the mer­its of cold call­ing.

Kevin pro­vided the course in an enthu­si­as­tic and enter­tain­ing man­ner and I found him to be incred­i­bly help­ful and inter­est­ing. Would def­i­nitely attend another Touch­stone course.

Lau­ren MacMillan-​Warren – Sap­phire Consultants

Book your Cold Call­ing Evening Mas­ter­class place now

Eventbrite - Cold Calling- Evening Masterclass- Newcastle


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